While rising inflation can be both disruptive and worrisome to multifamily owners, investors, and employees, the outlook for rental housing remains favorable.
If the current occupants are month-to-month residents, you have more options for changing their lease and tenancy if they meet state and local law requirements.
Because there is a correlation between inflation and goods with a limited supply, CPI also impacts real estate investments and housing costs. Here’s how rising costs affect real estate investments and why making smart real estate purchases can benefit you in periods of high inflation
A broker is a licensed professional who you hire to negotiate the sale or purchase of a real estate for a fee or a commission. However, they are typically not attorneys.
As the seller of a multifamily asset, it’s crucial that the buyer you select is the best possible prospect for your property. Don’t waste time, money and opportunities: you must ensure they’re qualified, and can close and execute on the contract as signed.
Though wage growth and employment rates are also focuses of Fed policy, a retreat in inflation could give the financial regulator a signal that the aggressive interest rate hikes it pursued this year are no longer necessary.