Chicago Multifamily Property Blog

Market Trends, Sales Insights, and Investment Strategies

Explore the latest expert insights on Chicago multifamily property sales, investment strategies, and market trends. Stay informed with valuable updates from our real estate blog.

Register for the Annual Marcus & Millichap Chicago Midwest Multifamily Forum

Join the Marcus & Millichap Multifamily Forum: Chicago & the Midwest in a re-imagined, all-digital, online conference format. Spanning ten days from July 21 through July 30, the conference has been organized in brief, easy-to-consume portions to minimize disruption to your work and personal life.

Investors Reexamine ‘Opportunity Zones’ in Light of Pandemic and Protests

Opportunity zones provide tax breaks to investors who transfer recently realized capital gains into qualified funds that sink money into real estate projects and businesses located in specially designated economically distressed areas, with a goal of boosting jobs and housing.